Program-oriented Funding in the Helmholtz RSD

Friday, 13 September 2024Christian Meeßen

Helmholtz Program-oriented Funding (PoF) is the central mechanism how Helmholtz distributes funding across the research centres. With the latest update, the Helmholtz RSD now supports to relate software output to the individual PoF IV topics. The advantage of categorising by PoF Topics is that your software will later be searchable within these categories.

To relate your software to a PoF topic, open the edit page and navigate to "Links & Metadata"

Links & metadata button

Next, scroll down to the section "Helmholtz Program-oriented Funding IV"

Helmholtz PoF IV section in edit view

Upon clicking on "Select a category", a dropdown opens

PoF IV dropdown menu

Select one or multiple suitable PoF IV topics. Please note that only topics can be selected. Selection of entire research fields or research programs is not possible. After selection, the topics will appear on the software page in a dedicated section

PoF IV Table on the software page

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