
deploy2zenodo is a script to deploy your data to zenodo. You can use it in a CI pipeline as an automatic workflow. Environmental variables allow very flexible use. Depending on the flags, the data can be curated before deployment in a merge request, in the zenodo web interface or not curated at all.

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234 commitsLast commit ≈ 3 months ago3 stars0 forks

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What deploy2zenodo can do for you



deploy2zenodo is a shell script to deploy your data to zenodo. You can use it in a CI pipeline as an automatic workflow.

Environmental variables allow very flexible use. Depending on the selected flags, the data can be curated before deployment in a merge request, in the zenodo web interface or not curated at all.


To satisfy the FAIR1 principles2, publications should be deployed to an open repository. In this way the publication gets a PID (persistent identifier) and at least the metadata is publicly accessible, findable and citable. Furthermore, current discussions about KPIs (key performance indicator) for software and data publications also lead to the need to generate PIDs for software and data.

Especially software usually is not citable by a PID. To overcome this and make software academically significant we provide here a tool for automatic publication to the open repository zenodo.

In principal the same is true for all kind of scientific data (e. g. measurements, software and results such as papers). For every data managed in a version control system an automatic publication to an open repository is useful3.

Software in particular is subject to frequent changes, resulting in many versions. This leads to the urge to automate the publishing process. This is not only about making the software usable through software repositories, but also about the citability of individual versions.


There are many possibilities to use deploy2zenodo.

Please see the README in the project for more information.

CI pipeline

Using the keyword include it is possible to include YAML files and/or CI pipelines in your GitLab CI pipeline. In this way you can use a template of deploy2zenodo for your CI pipeline.

You can use the latest version deploy2zenodo.yaml in your CI pipeline.

The provided job is called deploy2zenodo and you can overwrite or enhance the defined job as you need (e. g. defining when to run or defining variables).

This is the primary focus of deploy2zenodo.

For more information please see the README in the project.


You can use the script directly. But that is not our focus of deploy2zenodo.

Please see the README in the project for more information.


  1. FAIR Principles

  2. An interpretation of the FAIR principles to guide implementations in the HMC digital ecosystem.

  3. Guidance on Versioning of Digital Assets.

Participating organisations

German Aerospace Center (DLR)



Daniel P. Mohr
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.

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Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration

Updated 21 months ago