
atoMEC is a python-based average-atom code for simulations of high energy density phenomena such as in warm dense matter. It is designed as an open-source and modular python package.

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862 commitsLast commit ≈ 15 months ago17 stars12 forks

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What atoMEC can do for you

atoMEC is a python-based average-atom code for simulations of high energy density phenomena such as in warm dense matter. It is designed as an open-source and modular python package.

atoMEC uses Kohn-Sham density functional theory, in combination with an average-atom approximation, to solve the electronic structure problem for single-element materials at finite temperature.

More information on the average-atom methodology and Kohn-Sham density functional theory can be found (for example) in this preprint and references therein.

This repository is structured as follows:

├── atoMEC : source code
├── docs : sphinx documentation
├── examples : useful examples to get you started with the package
└── tests : test scripts used during development, will hold tests for CI in the future


Please see below sub-sections on supported operating systems and Python versions before continuing.

First, clone the atoMEC repository and cd into the main directory.

  • Recommended : using pipenv

    This route is recommended because pipenv automatically creates a virtual environment and manages dependencies.

    1. First, install pipenv if it is not already installed, for example via pip install pipenv (or see pipenv for installation instructions)
    2. Next, install atoMEC's dependencies with pipenv install (use --dev option to install the test dependencies in the same environment)
    3. Use pipenv shell to activate the virtual environment and install atoMEC with pip install atoMEC (for developers: pip install -e .)
    4. Now run scripts from inside the atoMEC virtual environment, e.g. python examples/
  • Run the tests (see Testing section below) and report any failures (for example by raising an issue)

Supported operating systems

  • Linux and macOS: atoMEC has been installed on various linux distributions and macOS, and is expected to work for most distributions and versions
  • Windows: atoMEC does not support Windows installation. This is due to the dependency on pylibxc which currently lacks Windows support.

Supported Python versions

  • atoMEC is extensively tested and is known to work seamlessly with Python 3.8. All development and CI testing is done with Python 3.8.
  • atoMEC is occasionally tested and is expected to work with Python 3.9
  • atoMEC does not work for Python <= 3.7
  • atoMEC does not work for Python >= 3.10. This is due to the dependency on pylibxc which breaks for Python >= 3.10.

We are looking into ways to remove, or at least make optional, the dependency on pylibxc, in order to allow installation on Windows and with Python >= 3.10. However, this is not currently a priority.


You can familiarize yourself with the usage of this package by running the example scripts in examples/.

Contributing to atoMEC

We welcome your contributions, please adhere to the following guidelines when contributing to the code:

  • In general, contributors should develop on branches based off of develop and merge requests should be to develop
  • Please choose a descriptive branch name
  • Merges from develop to master will be done after prior consultation of the core development team
  • Merges from develop to master are only done for code releases. This way we always have a clean master that reflects the current release
  • Code should be formatted using black style


  • First, install the test requirements (if not already installed in the virtual env with pipenv install --dev):
# activate environment first (optional)
$ pipenv shell

# install atoMEC as editable project in current directory (for developers)
$ pip install -e .[tests]

# alternatively install package from PyPI with test dependencies
$ pip install atoMEC[tests]
  • To run the tests:
$ pytest --cov=atoMEC --random-order tests/

Build documentation locally (for developers)

Install the prerequisites:

$ pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
  1. Change into docs/ folder.
  2. Run make apidocs.
  3. Run make html. This creates a _build folder inside docs. You may also want to use make html SPHINXOPTS="-W" sometimes. This treats warnings as errors and stops the output at first occurrence of an error (useful for debugging rST syntax).
  4. Open docs/_build/html/index.html.
  5. make clean if required (e.g. after fixing errors) and building again.


Scientific Supervision

Core Developers and Maintainers

Contributions (alphabetical)

Citing atoMEC

If you use code from this repository in a published work, please cite

  1. T. J. Callow, D. Kotik, E. Kraisler, and A. Cangi, "atoMEC: An open-source average-atom Python code", Proceedings of the 21st Python in Science Conference, edited by Meghann Agarwal, Chris Calloway, Dillon Niederhut, and David Shupe (2022), pp. 31 – 39
  2. The DOI corresponding to the specific version of atoMEC that you used (DOIs are listed at
Logo of atoMEC
Programming language
  • Python 100%
  • BSD-3-Clause
</>Source code



Timothy Callow
Lead developer
Center for Advanced Systems Understanding
Attila Cangi
Scientific supervision
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Eli Kraisler
Scientific supervision
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Daniel Kotik
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf