AMIRIS is the open Agent-based Market model for the Investigation of Renewable and Integrated energy Systems. It aims at enabling scientists to dissect the complex questions arising with respect to future energy markets, their market design, and energy-related policy instruments.


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What AMIRIS can do for you

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AMIRIS aims at enabling scientists to dissect the complex questions arising with respect to future energy markets, their market design, and energy-related policy instruments. The model computes electricity prices endogenously based on the simulation of strategic bidding behaviour of prototyped market actors. This bidding behaviour does not only reflect marginal prices, but can also consider effects of support instruments like market premia, uncertainties and limited information, or market power.


In AMIRIS actors are represented as agents that can be roughly divided into six classes: Power plant operators, traders, marketplaces, policy providers, demand, and storage facilities. Power plant operators provide generation capacities to traders, but do not trade on the markets themselves in the model. Instead, supply traders conduct the marketing and employ bidding strategies. Marketplaces serve as trading platforms and organize market clearing. Policy providers define a regulatory framework which impacts the decisions of other agents. Demand agents request energy directly at the electricity market. Finally, flexibility providers, e.g., storage operators, use forecasts to determine bidding patterns matching their objective.

Enabling Researchers

AMIRIS enables investigating the influence of political framework conditions on the behavior and profitability of energy market actors, considering different marketing paths. It also allows quantifying the influence of actors, their uncertainties and socioeconomic decisions on energy markets.

Please also refer to the AMIRIS research list to find the latest related publications.

Powerful, flexible, performant

Due to its agent-based and modular nature, AMIRIS can be easily extended or modified. AMIRIS is based on the open Framework for distributed Agent-based Modelling of Energy systems FAME. Due to its high-performance computing capabilities and efficient development paradigms, AMIRIS can simulate even large-scale agent systems in a short time. Currently, a model year at hourly resolution can be simulated in less than a minute on standard desktop computers.

With AMIRIS-Py, we also provide a powerful Python wrapper to set up and run AMIRIS. Please refer to the official amirispy documentation for further details.


Please cite AMIRIS using the related publication at JOSS.

Programming languages
  • Java 97%
  • Python 2%
  • BibTeX 1%
  • Apache-2.0
</>Source code

Participating organisations

German Aerospace Center (DLR)


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FAME is the open Framework for distributed Agent-based Modelling of Energy systems. Its purpose is supporting the rapid development and fast execution of complex agent-based energy system simulations.

Updated 12 months ago