openCARP is a multiscale cardiac electrophysiology simulator for in silico experiments ranging from single heart cells and cardiac tissue to organ models up to the body surface ECG.
openCARP is an open cardiac electrophysiology simulator for in-silico experiments. Its source code is public and the software is freely available for academic purposes. openCARP is easy to use and offers single cell as well as multiscale simulations from ion channel to organ level. Additionally, openCARP includes a wide variety of functions for pre- and post-processing of data as well as visualization. The python-based CARPutils framework enables the user to develop and share simulation pipelines, i.e. automating in-silico experiments including all modeling/simulation steps.
Overview of typical steps in an advanced cardiac electrophysiology simulation study.
openCARP offers a wide range of functionality which enables you to create your own in-silico experiments of cardiac electrophysiology. The openCARP ecosystem comprises several components that are visualized below and briefly introduced here. This video provides a tour through the community platform.
The openCARP ecosystem.