
Pydidas (Python diffraction data analysis suite) is a toolkit for the analysis of X-ray diffraction datasets. It is designed to be accessible also for domain scientists with little experience in diffraction data analysis. Pydidas includes a graphical user interface and a command line interface.

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What pydidas can do for you

pyDIDAS (python DIffraction Data Analysis Suite) is a toolset developed at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon to improve the ease of use and efficiency of diffraction data analysis. A key requirement is to create a graphical user interface of the software and processing which scales with available resources to allow running pyDIDAS on a wide range of machines from a small laptop up to a central cluster at the facility level.


Two main use cases have been considered:

  1. Fast (quasi-live) analysis of diffraction data during beamtimes.

  2. Supply users with an easy-to-use software solution which can also be used by users offline and offsite with no/minimal supervision from beamline staff.

The rational behind these two use cases are

  • Fast analysis of diffraction data can improve beamtime efficiency, for example in optimizing in situ / operando conditions

  • Give beamline staff software tools which facilitate user support during experiments.

  • Give users a software tool which allows them to work with their data more independantly of beamline staff support.

  • Support users with managing and automatically analyzing ever growing datasets.


The pyDIDAS project is funded by Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon.

The pyDIDAS software uses widgets and tools from the pyFAI and silx projects at the ESRF. The azimuthal integration routines are also taken from the pyFAI distribution.

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Programming language
  • Python 100%
</>Source code

Participating organisations

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon


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Software developed or co-developed in the scope of the DAPHNE4NFDI consortium

Updated 6 months ago