
The S2Downloader allows to download Sentinel-2 L2A data from the cost-free element84 AWS Amazon server. It specifically serves the purpose to download data for user-defined area of interests (AOI). It offers several parameters for filtering the data, can stack the results, mosaic and crop to AOI.

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What S2Downloader can do for you


Downloader for Sentinel-2 data.


Feature overview

The S2Downloader allows to download Sentinel-2 L2A data from the cost-free element84
Amazon Cloud server. It specifically serves the purpose to download data for user-defined area of interests (AOI), defined by a bounding box or whole tiles which are the original data product provided by ESA.


Features on Sentinel-2 tile level

  • download atmospheric corrected L2A Sentinel-2 thumbnail, overview,
    and data from AWS
  • provide single date or time range for finding data at the server
  • select which individual bands to download, all bands are supported:
    "coastal", "blue", "green", "red", "rededge1",
    "rededge2", "rededge3", "nir", "nir08", "nir09",
    "cirrus", "swir16", "swir22"
  • provide UTM zone, latitude band and grid square to download whole

Features on AOI level

  • input data: configuration json file
  • customizable filtering for noData
  • optional: customizable mask SCL classes (default masked classes:
    clouds shadow, clouds, cirrus -> 3, 7, 8, 9, 10), all available
    • 0 - No data
    • 1 - Saturated / Defective
    • 2 - Dark Area Pixels
    • 3 - Cloud Shadows
    • 4 - Vegetation
    • 5 - Bare Soils
    • 6 - Water
    • 7 - Clouds low probability / Unclassified
    • 8 - Clouds medium probability
    • 9 - Clouds high probability
    • 10 - Cirrus
    • 11 - Snow / Ice
  • mosaic data from different tiles (same utm zone) into one tif file
  • resample bands to user-defined target resolution
  • select resampling method

Features for saving the results

  • define output location
  • save thumbnails for the available scenes
  • save overviews for the available scenes




Run with relative or absolute path to config json file: :

S2Downloader --filepath "path/to/config.json"

Relative paths in the config file are supposed to be relative to the
location of the repository.

See usage for more details about the config file.

Expected Output

The downloaded raster files and overviews are saved in .tif format, the
thumbnails are saved as .jpg. Additional information is saved in a.json
and a logging file.

See usage for more details about the output files.

History / Changelog

You can find the protocol of recent changes in the S2Downloader package here.


Contributions are always welcome. Please contact us, if you wish to
contribute to the S2Downloader.

Developed by

S2Downloader has been developed by FERN.Lab, the Helmholtz Innovation Lab "Remote sensing for sustainable use of resources", located at the
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. FERN.Lab is funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the fernlab/cookiecutter-pypackage
project template.

Logo of S2Downloader
Programming languages
  • Python 96%
  • Makefile 3%
  • Shell 1%
</>Source code