Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsSign in Ctrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords119Program languages33Licenses161237-44 of 44iqtoolsCollection of code for working with offline complex valued time series data in Python.Data analysisData VisualizationParticle Accelerators+ 1Python10micromechanics-indentationGUIGraphical User Interface (GUI) software for analyzing nanoindentation experimental dataData analysisData VisualizationEnergy+ 5Python40MooViEMooViE is an easy-to-use tool to display multidimensional data with input-output semantics from all research domains. It supports researcher in studying the mapping of several inputs to several outputs in large multivariate data sets.C++Data VisualizationC++CMakeDockerfile+ 220OSADCP ToolboxOpen-source Python toolbox called OSADCP for scientists to convert, clean, calibrate and organize binary raw vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data for scientific use. The toolbox is designed to process ADCP measurements in deep water by Teledyne RDI Ocean Surveyor ADCPs.Data VisualizationEarth & EnvironmentFAIR Data+ 5Python00PyQuickMapsA slim python library to link maps and sampling data with prediction methods. Needs scipy, numpy, matplotlib, pykrige, osgeo, rasterio.Data VisualizationEarth & EnvironmentPredictive Mapping+ 1Python10simonaThis package implements infrastructures for ontology analysis by offering efficient data structures, fast ontology traversal methods, and elegant visualizations. It provides a robust toolbox supporting over 70 methods for semantic similarity analysis.Data analysisData VisualizationFAIR Data+ 3RC++JavaScript+ 310Timeseries ManagementThe Timeseries Management allows to store, visualise, organise and share timeseries data and provides access to a (broad) selection of data from different long-term projects and campaigns (e.g. TERENO, MOSES).Data analysisData VisualizationEarth & Environment+ 220UTILE-OxyAutomated workflow using deep learning for the analysis of videos containing oxygen bubbles in PEM electrolyzers: 1. preparing annotated dataset and training models to conduct semantic seg- mentation of bubbles and 2. automating the extraction of bubble properties for further distribution analysis.bubblesData analysisData Visualization+ 7PythonJupyter Notebook601234