Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsSign in Ctrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords192Program languages61Licenses311237-48 of 80Global Benchmark Database (GBD)GBD is a comprehensive suite of tools for provisioning and sustainably maintaining benchmark instances and their metadata for empirical research on hard algorithmic problem classes.Data analysisFAIR SoftwareInformation+ 4PythonJavaScriptHTML+ 246PtyLab.m/py/jlA cross-platform, open-source inverse modeling toolbox for conventional and Fourier ptychographycomputational physicsData analysisData Visualization+ 10Jupyter NotebookPython146Prospective Monitoring and Management - App (PIA)PIA is a free open-source eResearch System for monitoring of incident events and provides a digital infrastructure for conducting population-based studies in any research field - at a study centre or at home. PIA focuses on repeated surveys. #DigitalEpidemiology #LongitudinalDataCollection #FOSSData CollectionDigital Infrastructureepidemiology+ 5TypeScriptHTMLJavaScript+ 9115pkgndepA new metric named 'dependency heaviness' is proposed that measures the number of additional dependency packages that a parent package brings to its child package and are unique to the dependency packages imported by all other parents. Data analysisData VisualizationFAIR Data+ 3RHTMLJavaScript+ 114ESMValCoreData analysisEarth & EnvironmentFAIR Software+ 2PythonJupyter NotebookHTML+ 5173HIPSTAThe HIPpocampal Shape and Thickness Analysis Toolbox (HIPSTA) present a geometry-based method for the analysis of local hippocampal thickness and curvature and constructs an intrinsic coordinate system (unrolling/flattening) for statistical analysis across multiple participants.MRINeuroimagingopen source+ 1PythonDockerfile13Ideal-Equilibrium-Oxygen-Membrane-ReactorThe Python script OMR_model.py allows to simulate oxygen membrane reactors with continuous gas flow rates. EnergyMembrane reactorMTET+ 3Python53LinMOGLinMOG is a collection of tools for the generation of linear models for univariate and multivariate functions. Furthermore, the linear model can be automatically transformed into a MILP optimization formulation. EnergyESDESD - Topic 2+ 3Python12LLAMALLAMA is a cross-platform C++17/C++20 header-only template library for the abstraction of data layout and memory access. It separates the view of the algorithm on the memory and the real data layout in the background.C++heterogeneous computingHigh performance computing+ 3C++CMakeShell22cuplacupla is a simple user interface for the platform-independent parallel kernel acceleration library alpaka. It follows a similar concept as the NVIDIA® CUDA® API by providing a software layer to manage accelerator devices. alpaka is used as a backend for cupla.C++heterogeneous computingHigh performance computing+ 3C++CMakeShell+ 521ehrapy ehrapy is a modular open-source Python framework designed for exploratory end-to-end analysis of heterogeneous epidemiology and electronic health record data.Data analysisopen sourcepythonPythonJupyter Notebook01mallocMCThis project provides a framework for fast memory managers on many core accelerators. It is based on alpaka to run on many different accelerators and implements the ScatterAlloc algorithm.CUDAheterogeneous computingHigh performance computing+ 2C++CMakeShell+ 4811234567