Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsSign in Ctrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.HIFIS Software SpotlightsBrowse all SpotlightsAll software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords68Program languages44Licenses11121-12 of 22QUASTQUAST is a state-of-the-art tool for (meta)genome assembly evaluation, computing over 50 quality metrics and presenting results in plain text, static plots, and interactive HTML reports.Data VisualizationFAIR SoftwareGenome assembly+ 4AMPLC++Python+ 12410004KeYKeY is a deductive verification system for Java programsDeductive VerificationFirst-Order LogicFormal Verification+ 3JavaHTMLANTLR+ 14301014Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool)climate modellingData analysisEarth & Environment+ 4NCLPythonR+ 789256matRadmatRad is a dose calculation and inverse treatment planning toolkit for radiotherapy research and education written in Matlab.HealthMedical PhysicsParticle Therapy+ 2MATLABTeXC++1241ESMValCoreData analysisEarth & EnvironmentFAIR Software+ 2PythonJupyter NotebookHTML+ 546106BlenderProcA procedural Blender pipeline for photorealistic training image generationBlenderDataset creationIndoor Scene+ 4PythonTeX890kramersmoyalThe Python package `kramersmoyal` provides functions to analyze stochastic drift-diffusion and discontinuous stochastic processes in observational and experimental data.Data analysisDrift-DiffusionEnergy+ 5PythonTeX234mmpxrtRaytracing code for x-ray spectrometers with (not only) mossaic crystals Helps with design and analysis of x-ray spectrometers. Useful tool for (rather) experienced physicist. PythonCSSHTML+ 216UQTestFunsA Python3 library of uncertainty quantification (UQ) test functionsBenchmarkpythonSoftware Testing+ 1PythonTeX22PeriHubPeriHub is a platform that provides a numerical implementation of the peridynamic theory. It is an extension of the open source Peridigm software. Peridynamics is a non-local theory that overcomes discontinuity problems of the classical theory of continuum mechanics.Data VisualizationHigh performance computingModelling+ 2PythonVueTypeScript+ 721ReflectorchReflectorch is a Python package for the analysis of X-ray and neutron reflectivity data using Pytorch-based neural networks. It provides fast simulation of reflectometry curves by GPU, parameterization via YAML configuration files, and prior-aware training.Machine learningneutronopen source+ 3PythonTeXDockerfile41ETHOS.PeNALPSETHOS.PeNALPS (Petri Net Agent based Load Profile Simulator) is a Python library for the simulation of load profiles of plants of industrial manufacturing processes. Load profiles are energy demand time series. Energy System AnalysisLoad Profileopen source+ 2PythonTeX3012