The software quantifies climate impact of hypersonic aircraft trajectories as a number and within seconds instead of very long numerical simulations that produce Petabytes of data. The input requires water vapor, hydrogen and nitrogen oxide emission data along flight trajectories.
The repository provides a Python package, examples and an executable to calculate the climate impact (stratosphere adjusted radiative forcing) of hypersonic aircraft emission inventories. The radiative forcing of water vapour changes and ozone changes are calculated on the basis of water vapour, hydrogen and nitrogen oxide emissions. The current version is able to read in mat- and nc-files. NetCDF read in is currently optimised for data published on
Interpolation (30-38 km) and extrapolation surface-30 km are used. It is recommended to note the following:
) that drops emission in the troposphere or below specified altitude levels and excludes it from the climate calculation. Its use is strongly recommended as long as sensitivities are not yet extended to altitudes below 30 km.Please keep these limitations in mind when using the software.
The software requires various functions from the following python modules:
Install the required packages with pip install numpy pandas xarray scipy xlsxwriter netcdf4 aerocalc3
The repo contains two example notebooks for processing of emission inventories in mat- and nc-format. Otherwise, the user can run the executable which reads all emission inventory files within the folder and returns the calculated radiative forcing in an xlsx file. Execute with python3 <path_to_your_emission_files>
. Please contact Johannes Pletzer for any questions.
The code was formatted according to PEP 9 style with the help of the modules 'flake8', 'isort', 'pylint' and 'black'.