REMix is a powerful software for energy systems optimization. It can be used for the planning and techno-economical assessment of future multi-energy systems of any spatial, temporal and technological scope. REMix offers a wide range of methods and features that can be flexibly selected by the user.

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What REMix can do for you

REMix stands for "Renewable energy mix". It is a framework for setting up linear optimization models written in GAMS. By framework, we mean a collection of mutually compatible source codes required for one particular model, which can be combined in a modular manner. In this way you can reutilize the same modeling concepts (and associated source codes) to address different content focuses based on a common set of available model features.

REMix is developed for studies in the field of energy system modeling. This means you would usually use it to set up energy system optimization models (however, there are other applications apart from energy research conceivable). In particular, these energy system optimization models are often characterized as bottom-up models in terms of explicitly modeling different technologies. In addition, these models are resolved on a spatial and a temporal dimension.

In practical terms, you can model:

  • the competition between technologies which may fulfill the same purpose, e.g., power generation, whereas you get also an answer on when and where do I need a particular technology

  • any kind of transportation problem where the optimal exchange of a commodity between at least two distinct regions shall be determined

  • any kind of storage problem where the optimal balancing for something that is produced and consumed at different points in time shall be determined

To know if REMix is apt for your project take into account these key features:

  • Large Models: REMix is developed with large models in mind. This means high spatial and technological resolutions.

  • Path Optimization: Multi-year analyses are built into the framework.

  • Custom accounting approaches: The indicator module allows for a very flexible definition of what contributes to the objective functions.

  • Flexible modeling: There is not a single way of modeling technologies in REMix. With the flexible modelling concept you can find the best way of integrating your modeling needs.

  • Multi-criteria optimization: Apart from running a cost minimization, also other criteria like ecological or resilience indicators can be taken into account in the objective function.

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Programming languages
  • GAMS 55%
  • Python 45%
  • Dockerfile 0%
  • BSD-3-Clause
</>Source code

Participating organisations

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Reference papers



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