
simtools is a toolkit for simulations of ground-based imaging Cherenkov observatories like the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). It allows to set, derive, and manage simulation model parameters describing the observatory and to configure and execute large-scale simulation productions.


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What simtools can do for you

The simtools simulation tool kit provides

  • applications for complex derivation steps to derive a consistent and realistic simulation model for imaging Cherenkov telescopes like the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). This includes parameter describing the condition in the atmosphere, the ray-tracing of the optical components, photo detection, trigger, and electronic readout
  • libraries for simulation model definition and management, taking into account the varying conditions of the measurements processes on different time scales
  • APIs to model databases
  • tools for the preparation and configuration of simulation productions
  • standardized interfaces and data products independent of the underlying simulation software (e.g., CORSIKA, sim_telarray)
  • I/O and reporting tools for the MC simulation model parameter and production database

Participating organisations

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY


Gernot Maier
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY

Helmholtz Program-oriented Funding IV

Research Field
Research Program
PoF Topic
6 Matter
6.1 Matter and the Universe
6.1.3 Matter and Radiation from the Universe
  • 6 Matter
    • 6.1 Matter and the Universe
      • 6.1.3 Matter and Radiation from the Universe

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Updated 5 months ago
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