
TetraX is a package for finite-element-method (FEM) micromagnetic modeling with the aim of providing user-friendly and versatile micromagnetic workflows. Among other features, it allows to efficiently calculate spin-wave spectra in different magnetic systems of general geometries.

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What TetraX can do for you

TetraX is a package for finite-element-method (FEM) micromagnetic modeling with the aim to provide user friendly and versatile micromagnetic workflows. Apart from energy minimizers and an LLG solver, it aims to provide implementations of several FEM dynamic-matrix approaches to numerically calculate the normal modes and associated frequencies for magnetic specimen of different geometries such as confined samples, infinitely long waveguides, or infinitely extended multilayers. Apart from ferromagnets, the package also supports antiferromagnets as an experimental feature.

Magnetic equilibriaSpin-wave dispersionsMode profiles

and more.

Getting start

For a quick introduction, how to start your own FEM micromagnetic simulations, visit our Getting started page and take a look at the provided Examples.

Do you need help?

If you need help and cannot find it in the documentation, or just want to discuss with other users, head over to discussions.tetrax.software where you will find the official TetraX discourse forum.

Cite us

If you use TetraX for your research, please cite

  1. L. Körber, G. Quasebarth, A. Hempel, F. Zahn, A. Otto, E. Westphal, R. Hertel and A. Kákay (2022). "TetraX: Finite-Element Micromagnetic-Modeling Package", Rodare. DOI: 10.14278/rodare.1418
  2. L. Körber, G. Quasebarth, A. Otto and A. Kákay, "Finite-element dynamic-matrix approach for spin-wave dispersions in magnonic waveguides with arbitrary cross section", AIP Advances 11, 095006 (2021)
  3. L. Körber, A. Hempel, A. Otto, R. A. Gallardo, Y. Henry, J. Lindner and A. Kákay, "Finite-element dynamic-matrix approach for propagating spin waves: Extension to mono- and multi-layers of arbitrary spacing and thickness", AIP Advances 12, 115206 (2022)
     author = {Körber, Lukas and
               Quasebarth, Gwendolyn and
               Hempel, Alexander and
               Zahn, Friedrich and
               Otto, Andreas and
               Westphal, Elmar and
               Hertel, Riccardo and
               Kakay, Attila},
        title = {{TetraX: Finite-Element Micromagnetic-Modeling
        month = jan,
        year = 2022,
        doi = {10.14278/rodare.1418},
        url = {https://doi.org/10.14278/rodare.1418}

		title = {Finite-element dynamic-matrix approach for spin-wave dispersions
		         in magnonic waveguides with arbitrary cross section},
		volume = {11},
		doi = {10.1063/5.0054169},
		language = {en},
		journal = {AIP Advances},
		author = {Körber, L and Quasebarth, G and Otto, A and Kákay, A},
		year = {2021},
		pages = {095006},

		title = {Finite-element dynamic-matrix approach for propagating spin waves: Extension to mono- and multi-layers of arbitrary spacing and thickness},
		volume = {12},
		doi = {10.1063/5.0107457},
		language = {en},
		journal = {AIP Advances},
		author = {Körber, L and Hempel, A and  Otto, A and  Gallardo, R A and Henry, Y and Lindner, J and Kákay, A},
		year = {2022},
		pages = {115206},

The numerical experiments implemented in TetraX are often based on seminal papers. In order to give credit to these works, when conducting a numerical experiment, TetraX saves references important for this experiment to a bibtex file called "references.bib", found in the sample directory. In this file, each entry contains a comment field describing how the reference was important for the computation. When publishing results calculated with TetraX in your research, please also give credit to the works which are important for the numerical experiments you conducted.

Publications using our Software

  1. F. Brevis et al., "Curvature-induced parity loss and hybridization of magnons: Exploring the connection of flat and tubular magnetic shells" (arXiv:
  2. L. Körber, "Spin waves in curved magnetic shells", PhD Thesis, TU Dresden (2023)
  3. C. Riedel, "Local Control and Manipulation of Propagating Spin Waves Studied by Time-Resolved Kerr Microscopy", PhD Thesis, TU Müchchen (2023)
  4. C. Riedel et al., "Hybridization-Induced Spin-Wave Transmission Stop Band within a 1D Diffraction Grating", Advanced Physics Research 2, 2200104 (2023) ( https://doi.org/10.1002/apxr.202200104)
  5. V. Iurchuk et al., "Tailoring crosstalk between localized 1D spin-wave nanochannels using focused ion beams", Scientific Reports 13, 764 (2023) (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-27249-w)
  6. T. Hache et al., "Control of Four-Magnon Scattering by Pure Spin Current in a Magnonic Waveguide", Physical Review Applied 20, 014062 (2023) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.20.014062)
  7. L. Körber et al., "Curvilinear spin-wave dynamics beyond the thin-shell approximation: Magnetic nanotubes as a case study", Physical Review B 106, 014405 (2022) (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.106.014405)
  8. L. Körber et al., "Symmetry and curvature effects on spin waves in vortex-state hexagonal nanotubes", Physical Review B 104, 184429 (2021) (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184429)
  9. L. Körber and A. Kákay, "Numerical reverse engineering of general spin-wave dispersions: Bridge between numerics and analytics using a dynamic-matrix approach", Physical Review B 104, 174414 (2021) (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174414)
  10. L. Körber et al., "Mode splitting of spin waves in magnetic nanotubes with discrete symmetries", Physical Review B 105, 184435 (2022) (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184435)

Publications citing our Software and Method

  1. F. Brevis et al., "Curvature-induced parity loss and hybridization of magnons: Exploring the connection of flat and tubular magnetic shells" (arXiv:
  2. O. Volkov et al., "Three-dimensional magnetic nanotextures with high-order vorticity in soft magnetic wireframes" Nature Communications 15 (2024) 2193 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-46403-8)
  3. D.E. Gonzales-Chaves et al., "Solutions to the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation in the frequency space: Discretization schemes for the dynamic-matrix approach", JMMM 603 (2024) 172179 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2024.172179)
  4. Kraft et al., "Parallel-in-time integration of the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation with the parallel full approximation scheme in space and time", JMMM 597, 171998 (2024) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2024.171998)
  5. L. Körber, "Spin waves in curved magnetic shells", PhD Thesis, TU Dresden (2023)
  6. C. Riedel, "Local Control and Manipulation of Propagating Spin Waves Studied by Time-Resolved Kerr Microscopy", PhD Thesis, TU Müchchen (2023)
  7. A.V. Chumak et al., "Advances in magnetics roadmap on spin-wave computing", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58, 0800172 (2022) (https://doi.org/10.1109/TMAG.2022.3149664)
  8. C. Riedel et al., "Hybridization-Induced Spin-Wave Transmission Stop Band within a 1D Diffraction Grating", Advanced Physics Research 2, 2200104 (2023) ( https://doi.org/10.1002/apxr.202200104)
  9. R.A. Gallardo et al., "High spin-wave asymmetry and emergence of radial standing modes in thick ferromagnetic nanotubes", Physical Review B 105, 104435 (2022) (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.104435)
  10. O. Gladii et al., "Spin-wave nonreciprocity at the spin-flop transition region in synthetic antiferromagnets", Physical Review B 107, 104419 (2023) (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.107.104419)
  11. R.A. Gallardo et al., "Unidirectional Chiral Magnonics in Cylindrical Synthetic Antiferromagnets", Physical Review Applied 18, 054044 (2022) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.18.054044)
  12. V. Iurchuk et al., "Tailoring crosstalk between localized 1D spin-wave nanochannels using focused ion beams", Scientific Reports 13, 764 (2023) (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-27249-w)
  13. T. Hache et al., "Control of Four-Magnon Scattering by Pure Spin Current in a Magnonic Waveguide", Physical Review Applied 20, 014062 (2023) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.20.014062)
  14. L. Körber et al., "Curvilinear spin-wave dynamics beyond the thin-shell approximation: Magnetic nanotubes as a case study", Physical Review B 106, 014405 (2022) (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.106.014405)
  15. L. Körber et al., "Symmetry and curvature effects on spin waves in vortex-state hexagonal nanotubes", Physical Review B 104, 184429 (2021) (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.184429)
  16. L. Körber and A. Kákay, "Numerical reverse engineering of general spin-wave dispersions: Bridge between numerics and analytics using a dynamic-matrix approach", Physical Review B 104, 174414 (2021) (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.174414)
  17. L. Körber et al., "Mode splitting of spin waves in magnetic nanotubes with discrete symmetries", Physical Review B 105, 184435 (2022) (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.184435)

Source & license

The source code of TetraX is licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 Open-Source license.

Participating organisations

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf



The TetraX made possible quick interpretation of experimental results in complex geometries. The effectiveness and speed of calculations ensure that the feedback is provided almost immediately, in contrast to the “heavy and slow” finite difference micromagnetic solvers and subsequent Fourier analysis.
Ondřej Wojewoda (CEITEC BUT, Brno University of Technology)


Attila Kákay
Attila Kákay
Lead Developer
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Lukas Körber
Lukas Körber
Lead Developer
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Alexander Hempel
TU Dresden