Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsSign in Ctrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software1FilterClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords538Program languages102Licenses3912205-216 of 233python-icatPython interface to ICAT and IDSmetadatametadata cataloguepython+ 1PythonXSLTMakefile10RAFCONRAFCON uses hierarchical state machines, featuring concurrent state execution, to represent robot programs. It ships with a graphical user interface supporting the creation of state machines and contains IDE like debugging mechanisms.Aeronautics, Space and Transportcollaborationrobotics+ 2PythonSCSSShell+ 100RAYXOptical Simulation Software for Synchrotron RadiationC++open sourcepython+ 2C++PythonCSS+ 720RCERCE is a distributed integration environment for scientists and engineers to analyze, optimize, and design complex systems like aircraft, ships, or satellites.Aeronautics, Space and TransportcollaborationDistributed Execution+ 3JavaHTMLGherkin+ 800ReStoreReStore for MPI programs enables scalable in-memory recovery of data after process failures via an appropriate data distribution and replication. It supports shrinking and replacing recovery-schemes and is substantially faster than parallel file system based approaches.Distributed Memory AlgorithmsFault-ToleranceHigh performance computingC++RCMake+ 220RTLola InterpreterAn interpreter for RTLola specificationsFormal MethodsInterpretermonitoring+ 1RustPythonShell40S2DownloaderThe S2Downloader allows to download Sentinel-2 L2A data from the cost-free element84 AWS Amazon server. It specifically serves the purpose to download data for user-defined area of interests (AOI). It offers several parameters for filtering the data, can stack the results, mosaic and crop to AOI.open sourcepythonRemote sensing+ 1PythonMakefileShell00SampleDBSampleDB is a web-based electronic lab notebook with a focus on sample and measurement metadata. With SampleDB, you can track each step in the sample lifecycle and its schema system allows you to define exactly what metadata should be stored for each process, from a simple check box to time series.Electronic Lab NotebookmetadataResearch Data ManagementPythonHTMLJavaScript+ 480Sensor Management SystemThe Sensor Management System (SMS) allows the comprehensive acquisition, administration and export of meta data of platforms, sensors and measurement configurations by stations and campaigns operated in the Helmholtz research field Earth & Environment.cataloguedata managmentEarth & Environment+ 4PythonTypeScriptVue+ 2200sfctoolssfctools is a modeling suite for agent-based, macroeconomic and stock-flow consistent (ABM-SFC) modeling written in Python. It concentrates on agents in economics and provides a graphical model design interface. EconomicsEnergyESD+ 4PythonBibTeXRoff10Signal-ProcessorSignal Processor in Python Butterworth FilterData VisualizationFilter Design+ 7Python10SimCATS Simulation of CSDs for Automated Tuning Solutions (SimCATS) is a python framework for simulating charge stability diagrams (CSDs) typically measured during the tuning process of qubits.open sourcepythonQuantum Dots+ 1Jupyter NotebookPython401…1617181920