Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsSign in Ctrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.All software0FiltersClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords775Program languages118Licenses6212313-324 of 362ProFASiPROFASI (PROtein Folding and Aggregation SImulator) is a C++ package for HPC Monte Carlo simulations of protein folding and aggregation. It provides an all atom, implicit solvent force field, and a set of tools to perform Monte Carlo simulations. Monte CarloPeptide AggregationProtein folding+ 2C++HackCMake+ 200PyQuickMapsA slim python library to link maps and sampling data with prediction methods. Needs scipy, numpy, matplotlib, pykrige, osgeo, rasterio.Data VisualizationEarth & EnvironmentPredictive Mapping+ 1Python10python-icatPython interface to ICAT and IDSmetadatametadata cataloguepython+ 1PythonXSLTMakefile10pyxmakeHarmonized interfaces and workflows to selected software development toolspythonWorkflow ExecutionDockerfile10RAFCONRAFCON uses hierarchical state machines, featuring concurrent state execution, to represent robot programs. It ships with a graphical user interface supporting the creation of state machines and contains IDE like debugging mechanisms.Aeronautics, Space and Transportcollaborationrobotics+ 2PythonSCSSShell+ 100Random-SimplexA simple tool to generate points on the (n−1)-dimensional simplex.MATLABFortran10RAYXOptical Simulation Software for Synchrotron RadiationC++open sourcepython+ 2C++PythonCSS+ 720RCERCE is a distributed integration environment for scientists and engineers to analyze, optimize, and design complex systems like aircraft, ships, or satellites.Aeronautics, Space and TransportcollaborationDistributed Execution+ 3JavaHTMLGherkin+ 800ReStoreReStore for MPI programs enables scalable in-memory recovery of data after process failures via an appropriate data distribution and replication. It supports shrinking and replacing recovery-schemes and is substantially faster than parallel file system based approaches.Distributed Memory AlgorithmsFault-ToleranceHigh performance computingC++RCMake+ 220RTLola FrontendA frontend to parse and analyze RTLola specificationsFormal MethodsFrontendmonitoring+ 2RustShell40RTLola InterpreterAn interpreter for RTLola specificationsFormal MethodsInterpretermonitoring+ 1RustPythonShell40S2DownloaderThe S2Downloader allows to download Sentinel-2 L2A data from the cost-free element84 AWS Amazon server. It specifically serves the purpose to download data for user-defined area of interests (AOI). It offers several parameters for filtering the data, can stack the results, mosaic and crop to AOI.open sourcepythonRemote sensing+ 1PythonMakefileShell001…262728…31