Helmholtz Imaging: Capturing the World of Science
Images capture the world of science. From nanotechnology to astronomy, and from particle physics to marine biology, images store spatially and temporally resolved information across all scales and research domains. Helmholtz Imaging’s mission is to unlock the potential of imaging in the Helmholtz Association across all research domains and along the entire imaging pipeline, to improve leverage and accessibility of the innovative imaging modalities, applications and data treasures, and to enable the delivery of generalizable imaging solutions. All scientists can contact the platform for direct support for imaging-related inquiries or the connection with other imaging experts from Helmholtz. No imaging challenge is beyond our scope.
Get Involved
Become part of the Helmholtz Imaging Community. Helmholtz Imaging empowers and supports scientists in all aspects of imaging, on different occasions, at any point in their career, and at all levels. We offer a rich portfolio of research and support. All solutions and applications are always made available to the whole community. Find imaging expertise and project partners at Helmholtz Imaging CONNECT at connect.helmholtz-imaging.de. Gain an overview of the broad spectrum of novel imaging modalities and make it easy to find the experts you are looking for.
Leverage the expertise of Helmholtz Imaging. Get in touch with us via our support hub at helmholtz-imaging.de/support-hub – the gateway for all imaging-related requests be it support for data handling, consultation regarding software or methods, or research issues.
Let’s solve imaging challenges together. Start a Helmholtz Imaging Collaboration with us. You will benefit from our broad knowledge on the rich pool of methods that enable state-of-the-art solutions tailored to your problems. Help us share easy-to-use open-source imaging solutions. Helmholtz Imaging Solutions provide a framework to unify and simplify the process of installing software tools and reproducing published results. We curate a catalog of Helmholtz Imaging Solutions developed within our community.
Learn and educate with us
- We want to leverage synergies and share gained expertise and research results in seminars, schools, and workshops and the early engagement of external partners will benefit society. Events can be found on our website.
- Get funding for your interdisciplinary research on imaging. Financial funding for cross-cutting research collaborations on innovative research topics in the field of imaging and data science can be requested through our annual Helmholtz Imaging Project Call for interdisciplinary collaborative research projects.
Get in touch with us