Ctrl KSoftwareProjectsOrganisationsSign in Ctrl KLimited functionality: Your browser does not support JavaScript.HIFIS Software SpotlightsBrowse all SpotlightsAll software0FiltersClearOrder byMentionsOrder byKeywords604Program languages111Licenses56121-12 of 262anvi'oAnvi'o is an open-source software platform for microbial 'omics research enabling analysis and visualization of 'omics data. In development since 2014, it is currently being maintained by the Ecosystem Data Science group at the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity.Data analysisData VisualizationOmics+ 1PythonJavaScriptHTML+ 501913REMixREMix is a powerful software for energy systems optimization. It can be used for the planning and techno-economical assessment of future multi-energy systems of any spatial, temporal and technological scope. REMix offers a wide range of methods and features that can be flexibly selected by the user.EnergyEnergy planningESD+ 5GAMSPythonDockerfile181512ODVOcean Data View (ODV) - Interactive exploration, analysis and visualization of oceanographic and other environmental data.Data analysisData VisualizationEarth & Environment+ 121429KeYKeY is a deductive verification system for Java programsDeductive VerificationFirst-Order LogicFormal Verification+ 3JavaHTMLANTLR+ 1430981PalladioPalladio is a software architecture simulation approach which analyses software at the model level for performance bottlenecks, scalability issues, reliability threats, and allows for subsequent optimisation. Component-Based Software EngineeringInformationModeling+ 33731ETHOS.FINE - Framework for Integrated Energy System AssessmentETHOS.FINE provides a framework for modeling, optimizing and assessing energy systems. Systems with multiple regions, commodities and time steps can be modeled. Target of the optimization is the minimization of the total annual cost while considering technical and environmental constraints.EnergyEnergy planningESD+ 6PythonDockerfile2724OpenGeoSysOpenGeoSys (OGS) is a scientific open source project for the development of numerical methods for the simulation of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes in porous and fractured media.Earth & Environmentgeotechnicsgeothermal modeling+ 5Jupyter NotebookC++AGS Script+ 210617NESTNEST is a simulator for spiking neuronal networks. A well tested and efficient tool, NEST works on your laptop and also on the world’s largest supercomputers to study behaviour of large networks of neurons. Computational neuroscienceexascaleModeling+ 3C++PythonCMake+ 3119542JPlagJPlag is one of the most popular software plagiarism detectors worldwide.Automated Obfuscation AttackCollusion DetectionData analysis+ 9JavaANTLRRust+ 157522Score-PScore-P provides insight into massively parallel HPC applications, their communication, synchronization, I/O, and scaling behaviour to pinpoint performance bottlenecks and their causes.hpcInformationinstrumentation+ 5CC++M4Sugar+ 239459PeTrackPeTrack (Pedestrian Tracking) automatically extracts accurate pedestrian trajectories from video recordings (calibration, recognition, tracking). Individual codes enable personalized trajectories with static information of each participant. With a stereo camera also markerless tracking is possible. CalibrationCorrectionCrowd+ 12C++PythonCMake+ 25452IGMAS+Software combining 3-D forward and inverse modeling, interactive visualization and interdisciplinary interpretation of potential fields and their applications under geophysical and geological data constrains.3DCross-platformEarth & Environment+ 8541312345…22